Look once more, ere we leave this specular mount, Westward, much nearer by south-west; behold Where on the Ægean shore a city stands, Built nobly, pure the air and light…
Athens in Poems An Imaginative Map of the City The Colleagues’ Publications, 2019. A book of poems by well known Greek poets from late 1880s until nowadays. A special section…
Τι θέλουν όλοι αυτοί που λένε πως βρίσκουνται στην Αθήνα ή στον Πειραιά;
Δρόμοι – στιλπνά σκούρα χταπόδια τούτης της χώρας μου, που πάνω σας δίχως μορφή και δίχως βάρος πορεύεται το μέλλον.Κούρσες, πούλμαν, δεξαμενόπλοια, κάποιο ποδήλατο και κανένα σπουργίτι που κυλά τις…
Photographs of Manolis Tsafos Μusic by: Stress – Athens Burning Γενιά του Χάους – Κοινωνικά Υποπροϊόντα Γενιά του Χάους – Χορός της Σιωπής Stress – Αθήνα
If it weren’t for you Mr Jukebox with yr aluminium belly roaring & thirty teeth eating dirty drx. yr eyes starred round the world, purple diamonds & white brain revolving…
I will have to sidestep my memory And claim that I sleep well. I’ve got to tear out the questions That have come looking for a rationale, to get convincing…
‘The light thru Parthenon columns is a great white-blue solid color – like looking thru eyesockets of a skull.’ Allen Ginsberg, Athens, Fall 1961. From a letter to his father…
May 1, 1978; Vouliagmenis Avenue. At 1.58 in the morning, a green fiat driven by Alekos Panagoulis goes off course and crashes into a basement garage. The driver is instantly…
Read in the November 2015 issue of Transnational Literature: The problem of Athens: ‘The most famous and one of the oldest cities in Europe, but it’s hard to think of…
Scrappies are the shamans of the transfiguration of matter. They are the alchemists of the eternal flow and kinesis of objects. They keep their cyclical movement alive. Descending into the…
In the early hours of Friday morning young men wearing sleepless eyes and exhausted faces white caps worn out blue jeans and, occasionally, pale brown robes, walk down Socrates Street…
By day I caress ornithomorphic figurines bodies of clay strange hybrid forms three-quarter animal one-quarter human. By night I photograph creatures with large beaks and colourful plumage pinned like butterflies…
Athens in a poem is a website dedicated to the collection of material on urban poetics. It intends to aid an ongoing discussion on what created the particular Greek urban…
Ένα καράβι γεμάτο ανθρώπους. Χαρούμενοι παραθεριστές; Ψαράδες; Ναυαγισμένοι; Απαλά καθώς σκάει το κύμα ένα χέρι φυτρώνει στην ακτή και η παραλία μια σειρά γκρεμισμένα τείχη Ατλαντίδα που αργά αναδύεται –…